August Sunset at “Moreland Branch South Overlook”
Vista, Red River Gorge Region Michael Harr Vista, Red River Gorge Region Michael Harr

August Sunset at “Moreland Branch South Overlook”

This overlook has been labeled with several names over the years, but I think I’m settled on Moreland Branch South Overlook. It’s a very fine sunset spot that is ideal from mid-September to mid-October, but on this day was our closest short sunset hiking option as the clock was ticking and clouds were moving in. It’s a relatively easy hike to a large multi-level rock outcropping. Read the notes below for details.

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Cruise Liner Rock Out and Back Highlight Reel
Arch, Vista, Red River Gorge Region Michael Harr Arch, Vista, Red River Gorge Region Michael Harr

Cruise Liner Rock Out and Back Highlight Reel

There are a dozen or more overlooks off the main trail along with a number of arches. This hike is the highlight reel version - taking advantage of the more expansive overlooks and dropping down to Sky View and Star Gap Arches on the way back. It is a tremendous walk that packs a ton of sights into a half-day hike with just a bit of spice with a pair of scrambles en route to the arches.

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Rough Trail Plus Gray's Arch, The Veranda, Hanson's Point, and Angel Windows
Arch, Vista, Red River Gorge Region Michael Harr Arch, Vista, Red River Gorge Region Michael Harr

Rough Trail Plus Gray's Arch, The Veranda, Hanson's Point, and Angel Windows

This route is a rite of passage for Kentucky Hikers, and those who travel this path won’t soon forget it. The route described here is the ‘hard way’ moving from west to east and features five steep climbs, four overlooks, four arches, and some truly magnificent forest scenes. Check the notes below for some tips to make this easier.

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Sky Bridge Recreation Area Overlooks Tour - Summer Edition
Arch, Vista, Red River Gorge Region Michael Harr Arch, Vista, Red River Gorge Region Michael Harr

Sky Bridge Recreation Area Overlooks Tour - Summer Edition

While many will be familiar with Sky Bridge - the incredibly beautiful double arch - relatively few visiting Red River Gorge are aware of the other unmarked overlooks in the recreation area. On this walk, we took advantage of the summer sun setting to the northwest at Buzzards Roost South while visiting Sky Bridge and Keystone Arches along the way.

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Red River Gorge Northeast Loop with Cloudsplitter, Adena Arch, and Indian Staircase
Arch, Vista, Red River Gorge Region Michael Harr Arch, Vista, Red River Gorge Region Michael Harr

Red River Gorge Northeast Loop with Cloudsplitter, Adena Arch, and Indian Staircase

If you split the gorge into quadrants with Sheltowee Trace and Red River as bisectors, this would be the northeast loop using mostly marked trails with only three unofficial user trails to Cloudsplitter, Adena Arch, and Indian Staircase. It’s a beautiful route and the road walk is made more interesting with the gorge’s incredible geology ever present. Check below for enjoyable add-ons as well.

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Red River Gorge Northside Traverse with Cloudsplitter, Adena Arch, and Indian Staircase
Arch, Vista, Red River Gorge Region Michael Harr Arch, Vista, Red River Gorge Region Michael Harr

Red River Gorge Northside Traverse with Cloudsplitter, Adena Arch, and Indian Staircase

This is the most popular variation of this traverse with unmarked/unmaintained trail stops at Cloudsplitter, Adena Arch, Indian Staircase, Osborne Bend Arch, and Moonshiners Arch traveling mostly official trails from Sheltowee Backpackers’ Lot to Osborne Bend’s East Trailhead. Route info and navigation is for eastbound travel.

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Indian Arch Out and Back from Bison Way Trailhead
Arch, Red River Gorge Region Michael Harr Arch, Red River Gorge Region Michael Harr

Indian Arch Out and Back from Bison Way Trailhead

Indian Arch is one of my favorite arches in Red River Gorge and is easily accessible on marked and maintained trails using Bison Way and Sheltowee Trace. The arch can be seen from 40 to 50 feet below as you approach, sits directly opposite Indian Staircase on the horseshoe ridge’s south end, and is magnificent when you can recognize the fullness of the arch beyond what cameras can capture.

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Martin’s Fork Mid Loop and Overlooks
Arch, Vista, Red River Gorge Region Michael Harr Arch, Vista, Red River Gorge Region Michael Harr

Martin’s Fork Mid Loop and Overlooks

This is a classic route in Red River Gorge that arguably includes the geological area’s most beautiful arch and overlook at Gray’s Arch and Hanson’s Point, respectively. This hike adds three other overlooks, a playful arch, and a little archaeological history as well. If you’re looking for a nice half-to-full day hike to get to know Red River Gorge, this is a great one.

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Rango Arch Out and Back
Arch, Red River Gorge Region Michael Harr Arch, Red River Gorge Region Michael Harr

Rango Arch Out and Back

This was a random bonus hike thanks to Red River Underground’s latest video being top of mind. I had altered my plans and had some time to kill before sunset, so this arch filled the timeslot beautifully. It’s a difficult scramble with serious consequences if mismanaged, so definitely not for newbs and generally not for solo hiking. Read the details below.

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