Ice Day at Eagle Falls
After extended freezing temperatures, this hike provided gorgeous Winter scenes complete with ice curtains and chandeliers. This waterfall remains among my favorites in Kentucky with a short, sweaty hike along the Cumberland River. You can enjoy views of Cumberland Falls, Eagle Falls Trail Arch, the river, and of course, Eagle Falls.

Indian Staircase Loop + Adena Arch and Overlook from Bison Way
This is an iconic route in Red River Gorge and rightfully so. Sweeping views, adventurous rock scrambling, beautiful arches, and plenty of camping spots combine to make this one of the most popular and beautiful hikes in the region. Navigating this hike can be challenging if you’re not familiar with the area or using a good GPS route, so be sure to load the .GPX file below into your map app and read through the navigation and notes below.

Fall Sunset at Buzzards Roost South and Keystone Arch
This was a perfect spot to end a beautiful day in Red River Gorge. Hurricane Helene certainly left a mark - damaging the outhouse and leaving plenty of deadfall across the unmarked trail. However, the route was easy to follow and the scenes at the overlook were simply stunning.

Fall Colors at Sky Bridge
This remains one of my favorite short walks anywhere in Kentucky. The double arch is beautiful, the views are outstanding, and the liesegang rings in the sandstone walls are a thing of wonder. Add some fall colors popping in the forest, and well, it’s about as good as it gets.

Fall Colors at Eagle Point Buttress + Moonshiners Arch Out and Back
This short hike stops at Moonshiners Arch before following the river to the turn that goes steeply uphill on loose soil and rock - gaining 374 vertical feet across a quarter-mile of trail (roughly 28% average grade). This is the shortest, but most physically demanding route to reach the point. However, spectacular southerly views above a sharp bend in the river await those who make the climb.

Koger Arch Out and Back
This is a short hike to an impressive arch in Big South Fork NRRA. The region is littered with arches, but this is one of the finest among them and should always be included in your itinerary when visiting this part of the recreation area. After visiting Dick Gap Overlook, stop here - parking is easier this way too!

Sunrise at Dick Gap Overlook and Arch
Dick Gap Overlook sits high above a beautiful bend in the Big South Fork across from Blue Heron Mining Community. The views are spectacular year-round, but nearest the summer solstice, the sun down the seam above Devil’s Jump. When fog is thick, as it was on our visit, some patience is required to wait for the fog to lift. We enjoyed a nice halo scene as a result.

Everything Except Auxier Ridge
This is an incredibly scenic route and was especially so with the lively clouds we enjoyed throughout the day. This hike visits seven named overlooks and four arches with a handful of unnamed overlooks to go with it. Mostly ridgeline hiking, be sure to pack plenty of water and electrolytes on hot days and leave a water cache if needed (we did) because there are zero reliable water sources on the route.

2024 Carter Caves Half Marathon
The Carter Caves Half Marathon is Kentucky’s prettiest half marathon. Prior to the pandemic, this race was put on by EJ Adventures and has since been resurrected after a couple years off by John’s Run/Walk Shop out of Lexington, Kentucky. The race tours some of the iconic natural bridges and arches and the forest here is truly beautiful.

Sheltowee Trace Section Hike - Standard Route - Red River to Corner Ridge Road
This is the standard route for Sheltowee Trace between the backpackers’ lot on the north side of Red River and Corner Ridge Road. The Trace passes Jump Rock, Indian Arch, and Salt Fork before climbing a double track forest road to Corner Ridge.

Eagle Point Buttress Scenic Loop with Unicorn, Osborne Bend, and Moonshiners Arches
This is a classic loop in Red River Gorge that visits three arches and the best south facing overlook in the region. Situated above a bend in Red River, Eagle Point Buttress provides a stunning view if you can manage a very steep section of unmarked and unmaintained trail. Be sure to read the cautions and notes below before heading out.

Henson’s Arch, Whittleton Arch and Falls, Whittleton Branch Falls, Hanson’s Point, The Veranda, and Rush Ridge Overlook Lollipop
Hike to two arches and two premium views with this lollipop route from the Whittleton Branch day use parking lot. Hike this after heavy rains and enjoy Whittleton Arch Falls and Whittleton Branch Falls too!

Austin Gap with Ravens Nest, Staircase Caves, and Skyview Rock Shelter
This is a spectacular hike and leads to arguably the most interesting geological formations on Pine Mountain’s 120+ mile ridgeline. At the top, you’ll enjoy massive views east and south across Virginia, a pair of small caves, and an arch complex with a skylight that is absolutely stunning. BUT, you’re gonna have to work for it - see the notes below.

Chimney Top Rock and Princess Arch
After getting into the Gorge, we stopped here to stretch the legs and catch some excellent views with friendly clouds overhead. This is a great hike to kickoff your time in Red River Gorge with a top notch overlook and one of the most popular arches in Kentucky.

Cruise Liner Rock Out and Back Highlight Reel
There are a dozen or more overlooks off the main trail along with a number of arches. This hike is the highlight reel version - taking advantage of the more expansive overlooks and dropping down to Sky View and Star Gap Arches on the way back. It is a tremendous walk that packs a ton of sights into a half-day hike with just a bit of spice with a pair of scrambles en route to the arches.

Rough Trail Plus Gray's Arch, The Veranda, Hanson's Point, and Angel Windows
This route is a rite of passage for Kentucky Hikers, and those who travel this path won’t soon forget it. The route described here is the ‘hard way’ moving from west to east and features five steep climbs, four overlooks, four arches, and some truly magnificent forest scenes. Check the notes below for some tips to make this easier.

Sky Bridge Recreation Area Overlooks Tour - Summer Edition
While many will be familiar with Sky Bridge - the incredibly beautiful double arch - relatively few visiting Red River Gorge are aware of the other unmarked overlooks in the recreation area. On this walk, we took advantage of the summer sun setting to the northwest at Buzzards Roost South while visiting Sky Bridge and Keystone Arches along the way.

Red River Gorge Northeast Loop with Cloudsplitter, Adena Arch, and Indian Staircase
If you split the gorge into quadrants with Sheltowee Trace and Red River as bisectors, this would be the northeast loop using mostly marked trails with only three unofficial user trails to Cloudsplitter, Adena Arch, and Indian Staircase. It’s a beautiful route and the road walk is made more interesting with the gorge’s incredible geology ever present. Check below for enjoyable add-ons as well.

Red River Gorge Northside Traverse with Cloudsplitter, Adena Arch, and Indian Staircase
This is the most popular variation of this traverse with unmarked/unmaintained trail stops at Cloudsplitter, Adena Arch, Indian Staircase, Osborne Bend Arch, and Moonshiners Arch traveling mostly official trails from Sheltowee Backpackers’ Lot to Osborne Bend’s East Trailhead. Route info and navigation is for eastbound travel.

Arch Overload Tour
Book this tour and hike this hike. The tour is a stunning display of the geological wonders commonplace in Red River Gorge Geological Area with a total of 10 arches and a terrific clifftop view.