Henson’s (Cave) Arch and Whittleton Arch Out and Back from KY-11
Map of Henson's Cave Arch and Whittleton Arch Out and Back
Elevation Profile of Henson's Cave Arch and Whittleton Arch Out and Back
Overview. This is one of the best Spring hikes in Red River Gorge with plenty of wildflowers lining the trail, a massive arch, and when the weather is right, a waterfall flowing over the top of the arch. Kids love this hike - just be sure to keep them close when you arrive at the arch.
Route Type | Forked Out and Back
Total Distance | 3.79 miles
Elevation Gain | 603 feet
Overall Difficulty | Moderate with Strenuous Moments
GPS Waypoints
Day Use Parking Lot | 37.779833, -83.675286
Henson’s Arch Trailhead | 37.779825, -83.673383
Henson’s Arch | 37.777422, -83.674692
Whittleton Branch Trailhead | 37.782619, -83.673119
Whittleton Arch Trail Junction | 37.785944, -83.660856
Whittleton Arch | 37.782675, -83.662053
Red River Gorge Area Map
Parking. Day use parking is available near the gatehouse. Do NOT park at campsites or at the turnaround at the trailhead. Additional parking is available across the street when the Middle Fork isn’t flowing over the road.
Trail Navigation. Head northeast from the day use lot and turn right at the fork to cross Whittleton Branch. Follow the paved road past the bathrooms to reach the end of the road and see the sign for Henson’s Arch. Walk across the footbridge and head uphill steeply. Just as you crack a sweat, the trail levels out before winding around and gaining steeply again. You’ll reach the staircase that descends down to the arch. Make note of the separation in the rocks that form the arch - and probably don’t pull or poke them;-) Retrace your steps to return to the Henson’s Arch Trailhead and turn right at the fork to the main road. Follow it generally north to reach the Whittleton Branch Trailhead. From here, take the trail east-northeast and reach the marked intersection to Whittleton Arch. Take this trail downhill before a steep gainer up to the arch. Once at the arch, take in the scenes and explore around. Trails surround the arch and note that the top of the arch is accessible. If kids are with you, keep them close here. When you’ve take it all in, retrace your steps remembering to turn left at the Whittleton Branch junction.
HIKER NOTE - Wet Weather Waterfall. Whittleton Arch had a trickle dripping over it, but after heavy rains, this transforms into a gorgeous waterfall scene. Waterfalls are best in Kentucky in Winter and Spring.
CAUTION - Deadly Drops. Long falls from high places are the #1 non-health related cause of death for hikers in Kentucky. Keep your distance from the edges of cliffs to avoid a deadly fall. Young children should be kept close.
CAUTION - Poisonous Snakes. Copperheads and timber rattlesnakes can be found in the area. Should you encounter one, stop and slowly back away. Always give venomous snakes a wide berth. Know Before You Go => University of Kentucky Venomous Snake Guide
CAUTION - Black Bears. Ursus Americanus - a.k.a. the American black bear is growing in population throughout much of Kentucky. Know Before You Go => US Forest Service Black Bear Safety Tips
Whittleton Campground is Closed in Winter
Take the Fork to the Right for Henson’s Arch
Henson’s Arch Trailhead
Footbridge Crossing on Henson’s Arch Trail
Virginia Springbeauty
Henson’s Arch Trail is Part of Natural Bridge State Resort Park
Staircase to Henson’s Arch
Old Deadfall in Henson’s (Cave) Arch
Looking Up the Chimney
Loads of Separated Rock form the Arch - Careful for Falling Rock
Trickling Water Draining into Henson’s (Cave) Arch
Whittleton Branch Trailhead - Maintained by US Forest Service
Whittleton Branch Trail is Part of Kentucky’s Longest Trail, Sheltowee Trace
Nicely Rebuilt Footbridge
White Trillium are Plentiful Trailside in March/April
Sheltowee Trace Blaze (top) and Daniel Boone National Forest Trail (bottom)
Junction with Whittleton Arch Trail - Take a Right
Approach View of Whittleton Arch
Whittleton Arch and Falls
Late Afternoon Sun and Great Forest Vibes