Fall Colors at Eagle Point Buttress + Moonshiners Arch Out and Back
This short hike stops at Moonshiners Arch before following the river to the turn that goes steeply uphill on loose soil and rock - gaining 374 vertical feet across a quarter-mile of trail (roughly 28% average grade). This is the shortest, but most physically demanding route to reach the point. However, spectacular southerly views above a sharp bend in the river await those who make the climb.

Thelma Stovall Park and Arboretum Fitness Loop and Launch
This is a very nice municipal park with a paved fitness loop, busy pickleball courts, boat ramp, kayak rentals, arboretum, and 4.5 mile singletrack hiking trail that I didn’t know existed. With limited time, I walked the paved loop, but will return to hike the wooded trails and put in for a long paddle on Green River (~38 miles).

Blue Heron Loop and Spurs from the Top
This is one of the most beautiful loops in Kentucky. We hiked this from the top to see if we could catch changing skies at the overlooks (we didn’t), but the loop has Blue Heron Overlook, Cracks in the Rocks, plenty of mining history, access to the river, Devil’s Jump, a couple beaches, and Devil’s Jump Overlook. If I’d have hiked this with LaFonda, no question we would’ve spent an hour soaking in the river.