Everything Except Auxier Ridge
This is an incredibly scenic route and was especially so with the lively clouds we enjoyed throughout the day. This hike visits seven named overlooks and four arches with a handful of unnamed overlooks to go with it. Mostly ridgeline hiking, be sure to pack plenty of water and electrolytes on hot days and leave a water cache if needed (we did) because there are zero reliable water sources on the route.

Cruise Liner Rock Out and Back Highlight Reel
There are a dozen or more overlooks off the main trail along with a number of arches. This hike is the highlight reel version - taking advantage of the more expansive overlooks and dropping down to Sky View and Star Gap Arches on the way back. It is a tremendous walk that packs a ton of sights into a half-day hike with just a bit of spice with a pair of scrambles en route to the arches.

Arch of Triumph, Star Gap Arch, Double Arch, and The Observatory for Sunset
This is a classic route in Red River Gorge using a combination of marked and unmarked trails that are easy to follow with a couple light class 2 scrambles as well. Star Gap Arch and Double Arch are hiker favorites while Arch of Triumph is small, but playful. And sunset at The Observatory? Fantastic!