Arch of Triumph, Star Gap Arch, Double Arch, and The Observatory for Sunset
Map of Arch of Triumph, Star Gap Arch, Double Arch, and The Observatory, Red River Gorge
Elevation Profile of Arch of Triumph, Star Gap Arch, Double Arch, and The Observatory, Red River Gorge
Overview. This is a classic route in Red River Gorge using a combination of marked and unmarked trails that are easy to follow with a couple light class 2 scrambles as well. Star Gap Arch and Double Arch are hiker favorites while Arch of Triumph is small, but playful. And sunset at The Observatory? Fantastic!
Route Type | Out and Back with 3 Fingers
Total Distance | 6 miles
Elevation Gain | 982 feet
Overall Difficulty | Easy to Moderate
*class 2 scrambles required to reach Star Gap Arch and The Observatory
GPS Waypoints
Trailhead | 37.819719, -83.682739
Turn to Arch of Triumph | 37.820944, -83.684186
Arch of Triumph | 37.822953, -83.684633
Turn #1 to Star Gap Arch | 37.822025, -83.689881
Turn #2 to Star Gap Arch | 37.820608, -83.695478
Turn #3 to Star Gap Arch | 37.821550, -83.695867
Star Gap Arch | 37.822569, -83.696085
Double Arch | 37.837286, -83.684153
The Observatory | 37.838033, -83.684114
Red River Gorge Area Map
Parking. Ample parking is available at the Auxier Ridge Trailhead with limited parking roadside. Be sure to park only in designated areas to avoid a hefty ticket. This parking lot overflows on weekends, so arrive early or late to grab a spot.
Trail Navigation. Locate the trailhead at the gates and begin walking out the old gravel road. About 0.15 miles in, look right to find the well trod, unmarked trail to Arch of Triumph. Follow it out past a couple campsites until seeing the top of the arch (an exposed rock section). Descend just short of this through a bit of a tangle of downed trees and brush. Enjoy the arch and retrace your steps back to Double Arch Trail. Turn right and continue along the gravel road before reaching the first turn toward Star Gap Arch. Go left (south-southwest) and follow this wide path (formerly forest road) to reach the second turn. Once here, turn right (northwest, then north) onto narrower trail and keep your eyes to the left. There are a number of user trails here - take the second, well defined path (Turn #3). Scramble down to the narrow footpath (about 2 feet wide) taking care with your steps along the way. Follow the footpath north along the west side of the ridge before reaching a narrow slit in the rock with roots. Continue down and reach Star Gap Arch shortly thereafter. Take your time here, as this is a particularly stunning arch. Retrace your steps to get back to Double Arch Trail and follow the gravel road to near its end where the old parking lot for the trail was located. Descend here using switchbacks and wooden steps and continue straight/left at the intersection with Auxier Branch Trail. Continue along the bottom of the cliffline before wrapping around the end of the ridge and ascending to Double Arch, passing The Serpent, along the way. Enjoy Double Arch, then ascend to The Observatory using the well worn chiseled rock stairs. Turn left atop the stairs and follow the ridge to the end - this is The Observatory. Enjoy the panoramic views here and descend the stairs carefully - lowering your butt down to each stair, one at a time. Retrace your steps on Double Arch Trail, turning left at the gravel road to return to the parking lot.
HIKER NOTE - Sunrise/Sunset. The Observatory has tremendous views that are ideal for either sunrise or sunset. In addition, golden hour in the morning is fantastic at Double Arch with its unobstructed east face. Be sure to bring a headlamp and watch for snakes - especially in the evening.
HIKER NOTE - Star Gap Arch Trail. Part of the Red River Gorge Geological Area Management Plan Update will have the trail to Star Gap Arch added to the official system with signs and blazes to boot. The short scramble will likely be made safer with either chiseled steps, steel rungs, or some other trail construction to reduce risk at this spot.
CAUTION - Deadly Drops. Long falls from high places are the #1 non-health related cause of death for hikers in Kentucky. Keep your distance from the edges of cliffs to avoid a deadly fall. Young children should be kept close.
CAUTION - Poisonous Snakes. Copperheads and timber rattlesnakes can be found in the area. Should you encounter one, stop and slowly back away. Always give venomous snakes a wide berth. Know Before You Go => University of Kentucky Venomous Snake Guide
CAUTION - Black Bears. Ursus Americanus - a.k.a. the American black bear is growing in population throughout much of Kentucky. Know Before You Go => US Forest Service Black Bear Safety Tips
Double Arch Trailhead, Red River Gorge
Turn to Arch of Triumph, Red River Gorge
Top of Arch of Triumph, Red River Gorge
The Drop on the East Side of Arch of Triumph, Red River Gorge
Fun Sized Arch of Triumph, Red River Gorge
Turn #1 to Star Gap Arch, Red River Gorge
Turn #2 to Star Gap Arch, Red River Gorge
Turn #3 to Star Gap Arch, Red River Gorge
Star Gap Arch Approach View, Red River Gorge
Blue Mistflower on Double Arch Trail, Red River Gorge
Rounding the Bend to Double Arch, Red River Gorge
The Serpent on Double Arch Trail, Red River Gorge
Double Arch Foreground, Auxier Ridge Background, Red River Gorge
East Face of Double Arch, Red River Gorge
West Face of Double Arch, Red River Gorge
Chiseled Rock Stairs to The Observatory, Red River Gorge
Sourwood at The Observatory, Red River Gorge
Courthouse Rock from The Observatory, Red River Gorge
Sunset Scene at The Observatory, Red River Gorge