Little Shepherd Trail from Kingdom Come to US-119 - Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Map of Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Elevation Profile of Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Overview. What an exciting weekend on Pine Mountain! We backpacked the brand new Little Shepherd Trail Section of Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail (PMSST) between Kingdom Come State Park and US-119 TWICE, and it was AWESOME! There are SIXTEEN named overlooks on this segment with some of the biggest and best views anywhere in Kentucky! If you don’t have this trail on your list, put it at the top right now. It’s that good.
And, you don’t have to go 26.6 miles like we did - you can park at Kingdom Come or Leopold Gap and take in as many views as you like at a fraction of the mileage. This is exactly what was needed on Pine Mountain - a backpacking segment that pulls double duty as a day hiking destination without having to climb from the base of the mountain.
Also, huge thanks to all those who made this trail come to fruition including Shad Baker, Pine Mountain Trail Conference (PMTC) Board Member, who we got to meet as we were wrapping up on Saturday night. Buy a Pine Mountain Scenic Trail T-shirt at Kingdom Come State Park or at Pine Mountain Grill. Better still, kick in a donation to PMTC to help them continue their work in finishing PMSST and the Kentucky segment of the Great Eastern Trail (GET).
NOTE: We hiked it both ways because the first day, we got a good view at two of the sixteen overlooks…for about five minutes. Rain and fog made for a long hike with only two pieces of eye candy. The next day? Awesomeness.
Route Type | Point to Point
Total Distance | ~13.3 miles
Northbound Elevation Gain | 2,786 feet
Southbound Elevation Gain | 3,278 feet
Overall Difficulty | Moderate to Strenuous
GPS Waypoints
Creech Overlook Trailhead | 37.001256, -82.969397
Cold Hole Gap Spring | 37.020328, -82.927689
Leopold Gap Trailhead | 37.025692, -82.913906
Preston Raleigh Spring Box | 37.051842, -82.858100
US-119 Trailhead | 37.072139, -82.814792
Little Shepherd Trail US-119 Parking Lot | 37.076672, -82.810592
Overlooks on My Google Maps^
^this map will be replaced by an official map being created by Eastern Kentucky University
Note that my recording was less than perfect, but plenty good enough to get you from start to finish
Parking. Expansive parking is available at the US-119 trailhead. Limited parking is available at the Creech Overlook trailhead with additional parking at the other overlooks of Kingdom Come State Park. For day use to visit the overlooks, limited parking is available at Leopold Gap that sits between the two major trailheads (see GPS waypoint above).
Trail Navigation. This hike is easily navigated. The trail is blazed reflective yellow with sporadic blazes for Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail and Great Eastern Trail. Directional blazes are employed here - the blaze at the bottom is your current position, the blaze above is the direction of your next steps. A handful of side trails and forest roads intersect with the main trail, so be sure to follow the blazes. And, a nice added touch are mile markers from one (toward US-119 trailhead) to thirteen (toward Kingdom Come State Park.
Begin at the trailhead across from Creech Overlook in Kingdom Come State Park. Continue on fresh, wide single track with organic soil through the forest. This fresh trail still has some side slant that hasn’t been improved yet, but that will come with time. Continue until reaching the first of many impressive overlooks. Take in the views at each and make your way along the trail through a series of gaps and knobs on the mountain. It is best to top off water at each of the two springs along the route. We ran dry twice while carrying 2 liters each. The hiking on this trail is a series of small climbs and descents ranging from 100 to 300 feet of elevation gain each. Buzz Worm Overlook marks the last of the big views and the balance of the hike is on a combination of single track, double track, shared use horse trail, and road to finish.
HIKER NOTE - Overlooks Only. The overlooks are many, big, and beautiful, but are concentrated on the six-ish miles closest to Kingdom Come State Park. If you’re hiking strictly for the views, start at Creech Overlook and turnaround at Buzz Worm Overlook. Alternatively, park at Leopold Gap and head northeast to take in up to six named overlooks including my personal favorite, Buzz Worm Overlook.
HIKER NOTE - Solitude. The seven-ish miles from the US-119 trailhead provide a gorgeous forest walk through mature hardwood forest. There are a number of intersecting forest roads and user trails that likely lead to campsites or overlooks. I’ll check them out next time down.
HIKER NOTE - Day Hiking Trailhead. In addition to the trailheads at Kingdom Come and US-119, there is a new trailhead and small parking area at Leopold Gap and Trailhead between miles 9 and 10. See the GPS waypoint above.
HIKER NOTE - Limited Services at US-119. There is no water or trash bin at the trailhead, but there is a pit toilet, which is nice:-)
HIKER NOTE - Full Services at Kingdom Come State Park. There is no water, trash, or bathroom at the Creech Overlook, but all can be found in the camping area and at the visitor’s center.
CAUTION - Private Property. A section of this trail traverses private property and is made available to hikers by the generosity of its landowner. Be respectful of this by staying on trail, leaving no trace, and do NOT camp or build a campfire on this stretch of land. Signs are posted on trail. In the past, loss of private land use has negatively impacted PMSST. Do NOT be the problem that results in a re-route and the wasted resources that come with it.
CAUTION - Limited Water. There are limited water sources atop Pine Mountain, and this trail section is no exception. Always bring extra water and pre-hydrate before heading out. Make note of the two springs along the route that are blazed with blue rectangles on short spurs off the trail.
CAUTION - Deadly Drops. Long falls from high places are the #1 non-health related cause of death for hikers in Kentucky. Keep your distance from the edges of cliffs to avoid a deadly fall. Young children should be kept close.
CAUTION - Poisonous Snakes. Copperheads and timber rattlesnakes can be found in the area. Should you encounter one, stop and slowly back away. Always give venomous snakes a wide berth. Know Before You Go => University of Kentucky Venomous Snake Guide
CAUTION - Black Bears. Ursus Americanus - a.k.a. the American black bear is growing in population throughout much of Kentucky. Know Before You Go => US Forest Service Black Bear Safety Tips
Creech Overlook Trailhead, Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Estimated Southbound Mileage and Elevation Gain from the Trail Builders, Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Mushrooms, Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Survey Marker, Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Pretty Mushroom, Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Line Fork Overlook, Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Private Property Boundary Marker, Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Foggy Forest Views, Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Dripping Polypore, Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Leopold Gap Parking Lot and Trailhead, Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Fresh Bear Scat, Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
8 Mile Cliff Overlook, Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Rob Newman at Buzz Worm Overlook, Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Looking Northwest from Buzz Worm Overlook, Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Fungus Fam, Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Massive Downed Oak (Appointment with Kentucky State Parks’ Dr. Chainsaw Scheduled for Next Week), Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Old Tricycle Trailside, Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Preston Raleigh Spring Box, Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Sunset through the Hardwood Forest, Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Rob at the End of Day 1, Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Day 2 Southbound, Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Promising Parking Lot Views, Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Little Shepherd Trailhead After a Short Road Walk, Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Wildflower, Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Directional Blazes (Go Right), Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Rat Snake, Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Lots of Sun at 8 Mile Cliff Overlook, Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Upper Room Overlook, Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Cold Hole Gap Spring, Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Sunset at Eddie Saltess Overlook, Little Shepherd Trail Section, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail
Post-Hike Refreshment at El Sazon in Cumberland, Kentucky