Tarr Ridge West - Winter Views

Map of Tarr Ridge West Out and Back - Red River Gorge - Kentucky Hiker Project

Map of Tarr Ridge West Out and Back, Red River Gorge

Elevation Profile of Tarr Ridge West Out and Back - Red River Gorge - Kentucky Hiker Project

Elevation Profile of Tarr Ridge West Out and Back, Red River Gorge

Overview. I thoroughly enjoyed this one! We caught the sun just as it lined up on top of the river and had the bonus of having some climbers topping out as we relaxed. We headed out so they could enjoy their pre-Valentine’s time together;-) If you’re in this part of the Gorge, put this hike toward the top of your list.

Route Type | Out and Back
Total Distance | 3.03 miles
Elevation Gain | 528 feet
Overall Difficulty | Easy with Class 2 Scramble
this hike uses unmarked trails that appear to be lightly maintained; this is a good trail for experienced official trail hikers making their first steps on unmarked, unofficial trails

GPS Waypoints
Unmarked Trailhead | 37.852867, -83.642117
Trail Junction | 37.852883, -83.642422
Small Overlook | 37.837811, -83.646222
Tarr Ridge West Overlook | 37.836958, -83.648086
Red River Gorge Area Map

Parking. Limited parking is available at the top of KY-77 at a roadside lot. Please park to maximize space for others. This lot is frequently full over the weekends in the warmer months with dispersed campers taking advantage of the many campsites along these unmarked trails.

Trail Navigation. Walk across KY-77 from the parking lot to the “Parking in Designated Areas Only” sign to start your hike on the unmarked connector trail. Follow this west-northwest a short while before turning left (southwest) onto doubletrack roadbed. Continue until reaching a meadow where the trail narrows into singletrack and take the path on the left. Walk this overgrown tangle until returning to forest cover and easier track. Continue all the way out the ridge until reaching a campsite near the end of the ridge. Follow the left fork east-southeast for the smaller overlook and retrace to take the right fork south-southwest for the main overlook. You’ll need to do some minor class two scrambling to reach it, but a little booty scootin’ will get you there. Take in the massive view of Red River Gorge before retracing your steps and returning to the parking lot.

HIKER NOTE - Sunsets. This is a great spot for a relatively easy sunset that is likely best closest to Winter Solstice. It’s not the best overlook by any stretch with road noise and some disruptions in the viewshed, but for an easy 3-miler, it’s a fantastic, accessible spot with all the quintessential beauty that is Red River Gorge.

HIKER NOTE - Active Climbing Route. There is an active climbing route on the cliff face below the overlook. Do not in any way disturb the fixed gear at the top. If climbers are present while you are visiting the overlook, avoid disrupting communication between climber and belayer. In other words, use your quiet voice.

CAUTION - Deadly Drops. Long falls from high places are the #1 non-health related cause of death for hikers in Kentucky. Keep your distance from the edges of cliffs to avoid a deadly fall. Young children should be kept close.

CAUTION - Poisonous Snakes. Copperheads and timber rattlesnakes can be found in the area. Should you encounter one, stop and slowly back away. Always give venomous snakes a wide berth. Know Before You Go => University of Kentucky Venomous Snake Guide

CAUTION - Black Bears. Ursus Americanus - a.k.a. the American black bear is growing in population throughout much of Kentucky. Know Before You Go => US Forest Service Black Bear Safety Tips

Pick-up the connector trail behind this sign

Turn left onto the old roadbed

That’s one burly tree!

Looking out to Tarr Ridge East from the small overlook

The end of Tarr Ridge East and Red River

Approaching Tarr Ridge West Overlook

The small class 2 scramble on the way to the overlook

A nice patch for a nap…LaFonda approved:-)

Looking downriver from Tarr Ridge West Overlook

Blake the climber topping out with sunset approaching


Tarr Ridge East Overlooks - Winter Views


Buzzards Roost North, Central, and South