Fall Colors at Sky Bridge
This remains one of my favorite short walks anywhere in Kentucky. The double arch is beautiful, the views are outstanding, and the liesegang rings in the sandstone walls are a thing of wonder. Add some fall colors popping in the forest, and well, it’s about as good as it gets.

Sky Bridge Recreation Area Overlooks Tour - Summer Edition
While many will be familiar with Sky Bridge - the incredibly beautiful double arch - relatively few visiting Red River Gorge are aware of the other unmarked overlooks in the recreation area. On this walk, we took advantage of the summer sun setting to the northwest at Buzzards Roost South while visiting Sky Bridge and Keystone Arches along the way.

Snow Day at Sky Bridge
I’ve hiked this little loop more times than I can recall, and it’s always gorgeous. Taking in the views and arch with snow was especially nice - even if the clouds lingered much later than forecast. When visiting the area, this is a great, short hike with plenty of eye candy.

Spring at Sky Bridge
Springtime views are a real treat and the always magnificent Sky Bridge was perfectly lit by radiant sun on this unusually warm April day. I’ve walked this trail countless times and it’s always a delight.