New Year’s Day at Muir Valley

Map of New Year's Day Hike at Muir Valley, Red River Gorge

Map of New Year's Day Hike at Muir Valley, Red River Gorge

Elevation Profile of New Year's Day Hike at Muir Valley, Red River Gorge

Elevation Profile of New Year's Day Hike at Muir Valley, Red River Gorge

Overview. This was a “just kickin’ around” kind of hike that included a pair of arches, a nice flowing waterfall, and a couple wet weather spillers that made for another nice Winter day at Muir Valley.

While the wet weather falls needed much more rain to be at peak flow, they were nice nevertheless. Just remember that the waterfalls of Muir Valley are best in Winter/Spring during and immediately after soaking rains.

Route Type | Out and Back
Total Distance | 3.35 miles
Overall Difficulty | Moderate to Strenuous
a small portion of this hike is off trail and requires scrambling

liability waiver and parking fee required

GPS Waypoints
Trailhead | 37.724528, -83.634544
Liz’s Arch | 37.724131, -83.630719
Sunny Side Arch | 37.722267, -83.626267
Horseshoe Falls | 37.725667, -83.623242
^Washboard Wall Falls | 37.727506, -83.629047
^Practice Wall Falls | 37.728169, -83.626972
Muir Valley Trail Map
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^these are unnamed wet weather falls; names have been added for easier identification on the map of Muir Valley

Parking. Ample parking is available at the trailhead and in overflow lots. During climbing season, these lots will be at capacity and hiking is not recommended during these times.

Trail navigation. As a climbing area, signs are for climbing walls, not hiking attractions:-) Begin by taking the right fork onto South Trail from just past the shelter. Continue downhill and into the forest before reaching stairs with a sign to Land Before Time. Take this trail and continue around until reaching Liz’s Arch. Retrace your steps and take the connector trail to the “Main Trail” and continue descending into the valley. Reach a large bridge and cross the creek to reach an open area with a privy on the far side. Turn right to follow signs for Bruise Brothers and Sunny Side. Continue on the low trail until reaching Sunny Side that has a very distinct rock. Move to lookers’ left and uphill to find what looks like a cave entrance. This is Sunnyside Arch. Retrace your steps and take the connector trail after crossing the Rebel Camp Hollow drainage to move to and past Bruise Brothers. At the end of this trail is Horseshoe Falls - the most consistently flowing waterfall on the property. Retrace your steps to return to the open area near the bridge and go right past the privy toward Recess Rock, Washboard Wall, and Practice Wall. Continue on trail and cross the creek that will be about knee deep on peak waterfall days until reaching the turn to Washboard Wall. Take this spur and follow it to the wall, then move to your right along the cliffline until finding a very faint user trail. The wet weather waterfall is in the elbow of the cliffline and is a little dicey with steep, slick (when wet) footing. Return to the main trail and turn left to continue up to Practice Wall. Just beyond the wall are the falls. The upper portion is on your left, the lower portion is on the right. I do not recommend visiting the lower falls unless you have proper equipment, as it’s a difficult scramble with serious consequences for mistakes. Retrace your steps to the bridge, cross over, and head uphill on South Trail to return to the trailhead.

Climbers first. Rock climbers are the primary trail users here, and this is a world class climbing destination. I strongly encourage you to visit during the Winter months when climbers are indoors and the waterfalls are flowing.

Liability waiver and parking fee. Visit to sign your liability waiver and pay your parking fee using the donation page. There is also a cash box on site if you prefer to pay old school.

No pets. Cats, rats, pigs, and dogs can stay home for this one. If you want to hike arches with your pets, visit the National Forest where they are both welcome and furry playmates are plentiful.

CAUTION - Poisonous Snakes. Copperheads and timber rattlesnakes can be found in the area. Should you encounter one, stop and slowly back away. Always give venemous snakes a wide berth. Know Before You Go => University of Kentucky Venemous Snake Guide

CAUTION - Black Bears. Ursus Americanus - a.k.a. the American black bear is growing in population throughout much of Kentucky. Know Before You Go => US Forest Service Black Bear Safety Tips

Liz's Arch at Muir Valley, Red River Gorge

Liz's Arch at Muir Valley, Red River Gorge

Sunny Side Arch at Muir Valley, Red River Gorge

Sunny Side Arch at Muir Valley, Red River Gorge

Horseshoe Falls at Muir Valley, Red River Gorge

Horseshoe Falls at Muir Valley, Red River Gorge

Top of “Washboard Wall” Falls at Muir Valley, Red River Gorge

Top of “Washboard Wall” Falls at Muir Valley, Red River Gorge

Upper “Practice Wall” Falls at Muir Valley, Red River Gorge

Upper “Practice Wall” Falls at Muir Valley, Red River Gorge


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