Lone Tree to Pitch Ridge Overlooks Loop on Little Shepherd Trail

Map of Lone Tree to Pitch Ridge Loop - Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail - Kentucky Hiker Project

Map of Lone Tree to Pitch Ridge Loop, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail

Elevation Profile of Lone Tree to Pitch Ridge Loop - Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail - Kentucky Hiker Project

Elevation Profile of Lone Tree to Pitch Ridge Loop, Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail

Overview. This was a glorious hike to enjoy the fog covered views west and north of Pine Mountain. The knobs of Kentucky leading into the Ridges and Valleys of the Appalachian Mountains look like islands in the sky and this hike has plenty of spots to soak it all in.

With this being newly created trail, it needs more traffic to better define the path and even out the footing that remains somewhat slanted. I came across a number of downed trees and trimmed back a couple spots to provide a clear path. Please do NOT create side trails around deadfall. The chainsaw crew will be out there when time and resources allow.

Route Type | Loop
Total Distance | 1.97 miles
Elevation Gain | 396 miles
Overall Difficulty | Moderate

GPS Waypoints
Lone Tree Trailhead | 37.005244, -82.961339
LST Road/Trail Junction | 37.005072, -82.960306
Plank Rock Overlook | 37.005975, -82.959875
Linefork Overlook | 37.006650, -82.958614
Rock Cap Overlook | 37.007675, -82.956686
Whispering Pines Cliff Overlook | 37.009294, -82.953933
12 Mile Overlook | 37.010450, -82.951383
Pitch Ridge Overlook | 37.011144, -82.950297
Unmarked Turn to Road Walk | 37.011736, -82.948728
Road Junction | 37.011692, -82.948358
Little Shepherd Trail Section Map on FarOut Guides

Parking. Limited parking for up to maybe 6 vehicles is available with additional parking further southwest at Creech Overlook.

Trail Navigation. Begin by walking the road and keeping your eyes left to

HIKER NOTE - Do the Out and Back. I did this as a loop so I could get to more hiking later in the day, but out and back is definitely better - and easier. Turnaround at Pitch Ridge and retrace your steps. As the fog lifts and breaks, the views change, so it’s nice to witness the process.

HIKER NOTE - Trimming the Barbed Wire. There are plenty of thorns coming up on this fresh trail section, so feel free to bring a bag, clip these down, and deposit them in a Kingdom Come State Park garbage bin. I’ll have to find a cheap burlap sack before my next visit.

CAUTION - Deadly Drops. Long falls from high places are the #1 non-health related cause of death for hikers in Kentucky. Keep your distance from the edges of cliffs to avoid a deadly fall. Young children should be kept close.

CAUTION - Poisonous Snakes. Copperheads and timber rattlesnakes can be found in the area. Should you encounter one, stop and slowly back away. Always give venomous snakes a wide berth. Know Before You Go => University of Kentucky Venomous Snake Guide

CAUTION - Black Bears. Ursus Americanus - a.k.a. the American black bear is growing in population throughout much of Kentucky. Know Before You Go => US Forest Service Black Bear Safety Tips


Combs Overlook on US-23 North


The Gazebo at Kingdom Come