The Gazebo at Kingdom Come

Sun and the Last Remnants of Morning Fog - Pine Mountain - Kentucky Hiker Project

Sun and the Last Remnants of Morning Fog, Pine Mountain

Overview. The gazebo at Kingdom Come State Park is a must-visit at the park. The view of the valley below is refreshing and southeast facing - making for a great sunrise spot from September through March. Read the hiker notes below for more info.

GPS Waypoints
Parking Area | 36.989198, -82.984437
Gazebo | 36.989111, -82.984083
Kingdom Come State Park Map

Parking. There are a number of spots available immediately next to the gazebo with additional parking across the street by the lake and gift shop.

HIKER NOTE - Foggy Mornings. On heavy fog days, this view will be a cloud of fog until mid-morning. Go higher to the overlooks for better views with the sun lighting up the fog bank.

HIKER NOTE - Clear Sunrises. Days without fog provide nice sunrise views here and at Log Rock. Nearest the summer solstice though, go to the overlooks for sunrise.

HIKER NOTE - Lamp House Coffee. After stopping here, I headed to Lynch - a short drive down route 160. The local coffee shop is fantastic with loads of history on site and surrounding it. Plus, the biscuits and gravy were delicious too! [LINK]

The Gazebo at Kingdom Come State Park - Pine Mountain - Kentucky Hiker Project

The Gazebo at Kingdom Come State Park, Pine Mountain

Looking through the Gazebo - Pine Mountain - Kentucky Hiker Project

Looking through the Gazebo, Pine Mountain

Patchwork Bear at Kingdom Come - Pine Mountain - Kentucky Hiker Project

Patchwork Bear at Kingdom Come, Pine Mountain


Lone Tree to Pitch Ridge Overlooks Loop on Little Shepherd Trail


Log Rock Out and Back