2021 Carter Caves Half Marathon
Carter Caves Half Marathon Map, Courtesy of EJ Adventures
Overview. Let me introduce you to Kentucky’s Prettiest Half Marathon. Seven natural bridges/arches, a number of wet weather waterfalls, a lakeside vista, a clifftop vista, a pair of footbridges, loads of wildflowers, and plenty of gorgeous hardwood forest in between. There was so much to see - and photograph - that my phone died!
Location | Olive Hill, Kentucky
Trails on Course | Three Bridges, Horn Hollow, Carter Caves Cross Country (4C’s), Kiser Hollow, Collings Passage
Total Distance | 13.1+ miles
Elevation Gain | 1,671 feet
Overall Difficulty | Moderate
Carter Caves State Resort Park Map
Recap. I’ve long believed this is the prettiest half marathon course in Kentucky - even though this is the first year I’d get the chance to run it. This race and this course did not disappoint. It is easily the prettiest half marathon in Kentucky - road or trail.
Coming off a nice race at Big Turtle and with Yamacraw 50K the following Saturday, I opted to make this a photo expedition more than a race. Somewhere around mile 9 my phone died, so you’ll just have to wait for pics from that 4 mile stretch at a later date:-)
The race begins at the amphitheater near Caveland Lodge. From there, the course provides visits to all these glorious spots:
Raven Bridge
Fern Bridge
Carter Caves Natural Bridge
Bat Cave Arch
Smoky Bridge (Kentucky’s largest natural bridge)
Smoky Lake
Shangra La Arch
Smoky Lake Overlook
Smoky Lake Spillways (not pictured)
Smoky Lake Arch (not pictured)
To take this a step further, this might be the prettiest 13 mile stretch of trail anywhere in the Commonwealth. Combing through the memory banks, I can’t think of a route anywhere else in the state that offers this much beauty.
Of course, all that beauty is a really good reason why this event sells out early annually. If you have a half marathon of running or fast hiking in you, I’d get on EJ Adventures’ email list pronto to sign up when registration opens. When it does open, sign up quickly before it sells out. You can thank yourself at the finish line:-)
Now, about that beauty…
Raven Bridge from Above, Carter Caves Half Marathon
Raven Bridge from Below, Carter Caves Half Marathon
Morning Hardwood Forest Views, Carter Caves Half Marathon
Fern Bridge on Approach, Carter Caves Half Marathon
Fern Bridge from Beyond, Carter Caves Half Marathon
Cheer Station of the Year, Carter Caves Half Marathon
Smile Station, Carter Caves Half Marathon
Wisps and Sun, Carter Caves Half Marathon
Woodland Stonecrop, Carter Caves Half Marathon
Carter Caves Natural Bridge, Carter Caves Half Marathon
Bat Cave Window, Carter Caves Half Marathon
Bat Cave Arch, Carter Caves Half Marathon
Down in the Holler, Carter Caves Half Marathon
Smoky Bridge, Carter Caves Half Marathon
Smoky Lake, Carter Caves Half Marathon
Shangra La Arch, Carter Caves Half Marathon
Smoky Lake Overlook, Carter Caves Half Marathon