Indian Staircase Loop + Adena Arch and Overlook from Bison Way
This is an iconic route in Red River Gorge and rightfully so. Sweeping views, adventurous rock scrambling, beautiful arches, and plenty of camping spots combine to make this one of the most popular and beautiful hikes in the region. Navigating this hike can be challenging if you’re not familiar with the area or using a good GPS route, so be sure to load the .GPX file below into your map app and read through the navigation and notes below.

Red River Gorge Northeast Loop with Cloudsplitter, Adena Arch, and Indian Staircase
If you split the gorge into quadrants with Sheltowee Trace and Red River as bisectors, this would be the northeast loop using mostly marked trails with only three unofficial user trails to Cloudsplitter, Adena Arch, and Indian Staircase. It’s a beautiful route and the road walk is made more interesting with the gorge’s incredible geology ever present. Check below for enjoyable add-ons as well.

Red River Gorge Northside Traverse with Cloudsplitter, Adena Arch, and Indian Staircase
This is the most popular variation of this traverse with unmarked/unmaintained trail stops at Cloudsplitter, Adena Arch, Indian Staircase, Osborne Bend Arch, and Moonshiners Arch traveling mostly official trails from Sheltowee Backpackers’ Lot to Osborne Bend’s East Trailhead. Route info and navigation is for eastbound travel.