Ice Day at Eagle Falls
After extended freezing temperatures, this hike provided gorgeous Winter scenes complete with ice curtains and chandeliers. This waterfall remains among my favorites in Kentucky with a short, sweaty hike along the Cumberland River. You can enjoy views of Cumberland Falls, Eagle Falls Trail Arch, the river, and of course, Eagle Falls.

Winter at Eagle Falls
With dry weather leading up to our hike, we opted for this dependable waterfall that flows year round with the rare exception during drought. The falls are gorgeous, the cascades above are peaceful, and the views of Cumberland Falls from the shoreline boulders are fantastic! This is a hike I like to revisit year after year and reasonable river levels make it all the better.

Summer at Eagle Falls
This is a classic route in Kentucky with views of Cumberland Falls, a beautiful forest loop, Eagle Creek Cascades, and the always glorious Eagle Falls. It’s not an easy hike, but short and a must-hike when visiting the region.