Eagle Point Buttress Scenic Loop with Unicorn, Osborne Bend, and Moonshiners Arches
This is a classic loop in Red River Gorge that visits three arches and the best south facing overlook in the region. Situated above a bend in Red River, Eagle Point Buttress provides a stunning view if you can manage a very steep section of unmarked and unmaintained trail. Be sure to read the cautions and notes below before heading out.

Ice Cone at Copperas Falls
This is a top destination after a deep freeze thanks to the accessibility and gorgeous scenes at Copperas Falls on ice. We arrived after a long cold snap that eventually formed a full ice column. We caught it mid-formation, and the ice chandelier and cone were fantastic - especially with blue skies and abundant sunshine coming through the forest. Add snow falling from the trees, and it was a magical day on trail.

Red River Gorge Northeast Loop with Cloudsplitter, Adena Arch, and Indian Staircase
If you split the gorge into quadrants with Sheltowee Trace and Red River as bisectors, this would be the northeast loop using mostly marked trails with only three unofficial user trails to Cloudsplitter, Adena Arch, and Indian Staircase. It’s a beautiful route and the road walk is made more interesting with the gorge’s incredible geology ever present. Check below for enjoyable add-ons as well.

Red River Gorge Northside Traverse with Cloudsplitter, Adena Arch, and Indian Staircase
This is the most popular variation of this traverse with unmarked/unmaintained trail stops at Cloudsplitter, Adena Arch, Indian Staircase, Osborne Bend Arch, and Moonshiners Arch traveling mostly official trails from Sheltowee Backpackers’ Lot to Osborne Bend’s East Trailhead. Route info and navigation is for eastbound travel.

Moonshiners Arch High Route Out and Back
For the best footing and cleanest path, the high route to Moonshiners Arch is the way to go. The low route along the river has some massive downed trees and some slick rocks that can be tricky. Take this route to enjoy the massive limestone arch with a lower injury risk profile.

Unicorn and Moonshiners Arches Loop and Spur
This is a short hike with two beautiful arches off the Osborne Bend Parking Lot. The first, Unicorn, is a sandstone pillar arch and the second, Moonshiners, is one of very few limestone arches in the region. Just be sure not to fall through the chimney on top of Moonshiners Arch as you approach.

Swift Camp Creek and Spurs - Creation Falls, Rock Bridge, Pooch’s Turtle Falls, Turtle Back Arch, and Angel Windows
This is a nice day hike or first day of backpacking starting at Rock Bridge Trail in Clifty Wilderness and finishing at the Rough-Swift Camp Creek Trailhead on KY-715. Included are two waterfalls and three arches on nearly all marked trails with the exception of the spur to Turtle Back Arch, requiring a short Class 3 Scramble. Be sure to check the hiker notes and cautions below before hiking this route.

Copperas Creek Nine Arch Tour
WARNING | This trail is on unmarked, unmaintained trails; portions of this hike are on poorly defined user trails with unstable soil/rock and a risky crawl; getting lost is possible even for experienced hikers; no cell service is available in this canyon and GPS is far from accurate; inexperienced off trail hikers should NOT attempt this hike

Osborne Bend Loop with Unicorn and Osborne Bend Arches
This quiet loop combines single track, double track, and road for a nice walk through the woods. Along the way, we enjoyed a pair of small, but beautiful arches with Unicorn Arch particularly stunning thanks to ice curtains on either side of it. Also, don’t completely discount the road walk. The wintertime views of Hens Nest and Sky Bridge are a nice bonus!

Snow Day at Rock Bridge and Creation Falls
This hike is always a pleasure - and getting a snow day before the road closes for the season is even better! With 6 to 10 inches of snow in the area, the setting was fantastic. I strapped on some microspikes and enjoyed a nice, safe hike over snow and ice.

Red Byrd Arch Out and Back from Calaboose Ridge Road
This is a beautiful arch sitting up above Red River in Clifty Wilderness. Littered with deadfall from the last couple decades or more and featuring a steep final approach with a little spice, it’s a fun and enjoyable hike for experienced, adventurous hikers.

Spring at Creation Falls and Rock Bridge
When folks visit Red River Gorge for the first time, I always recommend this hike. It’s a gorgeous mile and a half through Clifty Wilderness with the always playful Creation Falls and beautiful Rock Bridge. Kids love it; dogs love it; everyone loves it!

Copperas Falls and Sandy Arch Out and Back
This is about as perfect a day as you can have at Copperas Falls - great flow, comfy temps, and loads of sunshine! With plenty of rain in recent days, I also stopped up at Sandy Arch to catch a little water spilling out there too.

Winter at Creation Falls and Rock Bridge Arch
Perhaps the most playful waterfall in all of Kentucky, Creation Falls provided a magical scene under bluebird skies with magnificent ice curtains adorning either side of the falls. Add Rock Bridge Arch, the only waterfall formed arch in the Gorge, and you get a spectacular Winter hike!