Sunrise at Creech Overlook

Sunrise at Creech Overlook - Kingdom Come State Park - Pine Mountain - Kentucky Hiker Project

Sunrise at Creech Overlook, Kingdom Come State Park, Pine Mountain

Overview. This drive-up overlook is just off the lane and a half Little Shepherd Trail road just north of the heart of Kingdom Come State Park. It’s rarely busy and over the summertime, provides an excellent sunrise view above the fog below.

GPS Waypoints
Creech Overlook | 37.001256, -82.969397
Kingdom Come State Park Map

HIKER NOTE - Sunset. This spot also provides a nice sunset location that is best in the summer months when the sun is on a more northerly track.

CAUTION - Deadly Drops. Long falls from high places are the #1 non-health related cause of death for hikers in Kentucky. Keep your distance from the edges of cliffs to avoid a deadly fall. Young children should be kept close.

CAUTION - Poisonous Snakes. Copperheads and timber rattlesnakes can be found in the area. Should you encounter one, stop and slowly back away. Always give venomous snakes a wide berth. Know Before You Go => University of Kentucky Venomous Snake Guide

CAUTION - Black Bears. Ursus Americanus - a.k.a. the American black bear is growing in population throughout much of Kentucky. Know Before You Go => US Forest Service Black Bear Safety Tips

Views North from Creech Overlook - Kingdom Come State Park - Pine Mountain - Kentucky Hiker Project

Views North from Creech Overlook, Kingdom Come State Park, Pine Mountain

Views West from Creech Overlook - Kingdom Come State Park - Pine Mountain - Kentucky Hiker Project

Views West from Creech Overlook, Kingdom Come State Park, Pine Mountain


Log Rock Out and Back


Sunrise at 12 O'Clock Overlook