Auxier Ridge - Double Arch Loop and Spurs
Map of Auxier Ridge-Double Arch Loop and Spurs, Red River Gorge
Elevation Profile of Auxier Ridge-Double Arch Loop and Spurs, Red River Gorge
Overview. This is among the best loops in Kentucky with visits to Haystack and Courthouse Rock, so many vistas it’ll spoil your eyes, and the always glamorous Double Arch with The Observatory up top. This hike includes a couple unmarked, well-trod spurs to backcountry campsites and other viewpoints on the ridge.
Route Type | Loop with Spurs
Total Distance | 7.7 miles
Overall Difficulty | Moderate
GPS Waypoints
Auxier Ridge Trailhead | 37.820056, -83.680853
Turn to Unmarked Lollipop | 37.829294, -83.678211
Campsite on East Unmarked Spur | 37.835178, -83.675533
Courthouse Rock | 37.842304, -83.678758
Auxier Branch | 37.836967, -83.680800
Double Arch | 37.837462, -83.683998
Auxier Ridge-Double Arch Trail Map
Red River Gorge Area Map
Parking. Though the parking lot is large, it’s frequently overflowing on the weekends from Spring through Fall. Parking is prohibited along Tunnel Ridge Road, and tickets have been issued in large numbers in recent years. At minimum, carpool. Also consider shuttle service from Leave No Trace Adventures or parking at one of the other parking lots along the road including Pioneer and Woodland.
Trail navigation. Hiking the loop counterclockwise, locate the Auxier Ridge Trailhead and stay to the right (east). Walk out the ridge and catch a couple cheap views early via side trails. Turn sharply about a tenth of a mile in and descend. Near mile 1.2, continue straight to follow unmarked trail to a small lollipop with a couple views north and southwest. Return to marked trail and descend. Follow the trail two-tenths of a mile to find a wide unmarked trail. This leads to a large (and legal) campsite. Locate a thin user trail moving south to a nice sunrise spot with a partial view of Raven Rock to the northeast. Retrace your steps and rejoin Auxier Ridge Trail. From here, enjoy views to either side of the ridge before moving left (west) to an overlook adjacent to Haystack Rock. From here, take a look at the other swaths of exposed rock on the ridge that serve as larger viewpoints with improving views of Double Arch across the way. Continue out the ridge and taking in views before reaching the top of the staircase. From here, step to your right (east) to gain a picture perfect view of Courthouse Rock. Descend the stairs and walk out to the foot of Courthouse Rock before making a substantial descent to Auxier Branch. Walk alongside the small stream before linking up with Double Arch Trail with a sharp turn to your right (north). Follow the trail around the finger of the ridge gaining elevation along the way. Ascend the stairs and arrive at Double Arch. Ascend a little more via the cut stairs (see hiker note below) and turn left (north) to reach The Observatory. Descend and follow Double Arch Trail through the forest before ascending steeply via wooden staircases before reaching the gravel road. Take the road south to return to the trailhead.
HIKER NOTE - Save a Mile. Skip the unmarked spurs and stay on marked trails only to save just under a mile of ridgetop hiking.
HIKER NOTE - Scramble Above Double Arch. There are cut steps leading to The Observatory above Double Arch, but the first one is a big one. On the way up, you may need a push. On the way down, crab walk and sit your butt on the last step before either carefully hopping down or blindly placing your foot on the root under the last step.
HIKER NOTE - Backcountry Camping. All campsites must be at least 300 ft. from developed trails in Daniel Boone National Forest. There are a few legal (and large) campsites on the unmarked spurs, but camping is prohibited on the marked trail and immediately adjacent to the trail where there are more than a dozen identifiable illegal campsites.
HIKER NOTE - Campfires. There is zero water available and plenty of wind exposure thanks to thin forest on the ridgetop. I strongly discourage building any fires anywhere on this loop outside of the area near Auxier Branch. To see how long forest fire scars last, look at the ridge to the east that burned a couple decades ago.
HIKER NOTE - Sunrise/Mid/Sunset. This hike was counterclockwise which is preferred during the heart of the day thanks to the easy finishing road walk from Double Arch. To catch sunrise, hike it clockwise to Double Arch first. To catch sunset, time your hike to finish at one of the west facing overlooks on Auxier Ridge Trail. Bring a headlamp for sunrise/sunset. [thanks to Colton Evens for asking about this]
CAUTION - Deadly Drops. Long falls from high places are the #1 non-health related cause of death for hikers in Kentucky. Keep your distance from the edges of cliffs to avoid a deadly fall. Young children should be kept close.
CAUTION - Poisonous Snakes. Copperheads and timber rattlesnakes can be found in the area. Should you encounter one, stop and slowly back away. Always give venomous snakes a wide berth. Know Before You Go => University of Kentucky Venomous Snake Guide
CAUTION - Black Bears. Ursus Americanus - a.k.a. the American black bear is growing in population throughout much of Kentucky. Know Before You Go => US Forest Service Black Bear Safety Tips
Auxier Ridge Trailhead, Red River Gorge
Cheap View to the East of Auxier Ridge, Red River Gorge
Trail Split - Left for Unmarked Lollipop, Right for Auxier Ridge Trail - Red River Gorge
View North from Unmarked Lollipop Spur, Red River Gorge
Rhododendron Bloom, Red River Gorge
Legal Campsite on East Spur of Auxier Ridge, Red River Gorge (nice sunrise view to the south)
Haystack Rock, Red River Gorge
Raven Rock, Red River Gorge
Courthouse Rock, Red River Gorge
Snail Near Auxier Branch, Red River Gorge
Double Arch, Red River Gorge