Anvil and Eholia Arches 1 & 2 Out and Back
Map of Anvil and Eholia Arches 1 & 2, Red River Gorge
Elevation Profile of Anvil and Eholia Arches 1 & 2, Red River Gorge
Overview. It had been a couple years since my last visit here, and what a great day to be back! This hike not only has plenty of off trail flavor, I also noticed a third arch (Eholia Arch #2) on the route along with a gloriously eroded piece of sandstone (pictured below). This isn’t an easy hike and the arches certainly aren’t going to win any beauty pageants, but for off trail hikers and arch hunters, this hike is a winner!
Route Type | Out and Back
Total Distance | 1.72 miles
Elevation Gain | 229 feet
Overall Difficulty | Strenuous
GPS Waypoints
Trailhead | 37.805903, -83.677928
Last Campsite | 37.804103, -83.677342
Waypoint #1 | 37.801528, -83.679444
Anvil Arch | 37.801861, -83.678056
Eholia Arch | 37.799056, -83.681944
Parking. Room for up to 8 vehicles is available at the Woodland Parking Lot off Tunnel Ridge Road. This is a designated dispersed camping area and if frequently full on weekends. Trash bins and pit toilets are available in the parking lot.
Trail Navigation. Begin by taking the doubletrack path from the parking lot south, passing multiple campsites and staying on the path most beaten. Continue until reaching a large campsite at the end of the well defined path and pick-up a narrower user trail heading south-southwest. Cross the shallow, but wide drainage before ascending steeply to the ridgeline. This becomes a well defined single track path with alternate paths around fallen trees. Navigate to the waypoint and descend to reach some exposed rock that may require a little booty scootin’. From here, turn left to follow a less well defined path along the cliffline before reaching the elbow of the formation. Look up to find Anvil Arch. When you’re ready, retrace your steps and continue along the cliffline to the west. There is a ton of deadfall, so try to find the easiest path in terms of footing and angle. Follow the cliffline south until reaching a large boulder that has separated from the main formation. You’ll bend around here and head west. Eventually, you’ll leave the deadfall section and come to some cleaner forest floor with a nice little bit of vertical gain before reaching Eholia Arch. If you look up, almost directly above the main arch, and you’ll see another arch. It has a super sexy name - Eholia Arch…#2. Take a nice timeout here to enjoy the arches before doing your best to retrace your steps back to the parking lot.
HIKER NOTE - Wet Weather Waterfall. Anvil Arch takes on double duty as a waterfall during heavy rains. On our visit, it was just a trickle, but during a good soaker, it would be pretty magical - and not terribly difficult to reach with off trail navigation skills.
CAUTION - Deadfall to Eholia Arch. The section to Anvil is relatively clean, but the spur to Eholia is littered with deadfall and only trace evidence of user trails sporadically on the route. All but the heartiest off trail hikers will find this section miserable.
CAUTION - Deadly Drops. Long falls from high places are the #1 non-health related cause of death for hikers in Kentucky. Keep your distance from the edges of cliffs to avoid a deadly fall.
CAUTION - Poisonous Snakes. Copperheads and timber rattlesnakes can be found in the area. Should you encounter one, stop and slowly back away. Always give venomous snakes a wide berth. Know Before You Go => University of Kentucky Venomous Snake Guide
CAUTION - Black Bears. Ursus Americanus - a.k.a. the American black bear is growing in population throughout much of Kentucky. Know Before You Go => US Forest Service Black Bear Safety Tips
Woodland Parking Lot, Red River Gorge
Last Campsite Off Woodland, Red River Gorge
Approach View of Anvil Arch, Red River Gorge
Looking Up at Anvil Arch, Red River Gorge
Anvil Arch from Just Beyond, Red River Gorge
LaFonda through a Sandstone Window Examining an Off Width Crag, Red River Gorge
Eholia Arch Approach View, Red River Gorge
Eholia Arch from Beyond, Red River Gorge
Eholia Arches 1 (bottom) and 2 (top), Red River Gorge
Eholia Arch #2, Red River Gorge
Sandstone Face, Red River Gorge