Echo Lake Beach
Franconia Notch from Echo Lake Beach, Franconia Ridge State Park
Overview. This is a quick walkout to an outstanding lakeside view looking straight down Franconia Notch. The ladies enjoyed a cold dip, while I took in the sweeping views with extremely active afternoon clouds. Located just off the interstate, this is a nice stop anytime you’re in the area.
GPS Waypoints
Parking Lot | 44.177792, -71.696202
Echo Lake Beach | 44.177991, -71.694740
Franconia Notch State Park Map
Parking. Ample parking is available, but can be crowded over the summertime.
Trail Navigation. This is a simple get out of the car and have a look-see:-)
FEE AREA - Reservations Available. There is a small fee for use here and reservations can be made in advance. Check the park website for current rates and additional details.
CAUTION - Be Bear Aware. Black bear are plentiful in the region. Know Before You Go => US Forest Service Black Bear Safety Tips
CAUTION - Moose. Be aware and never approach moose. Leave a wide berth and turn back if needed.
Franconia Ridge from Echo Lake Beach, Franconia Notch State Park