Winter at Broke Leg Falls

Map of Broke Leg Falls Hike, Menifee County

Elevation Profile of Broke Leg Falls Hike, Menifee County

Overview. This is a classic Kentucky waterfall with plenty of height to impress along with some beautiful cascades just upstream from the big plunge. The area is highly developed with shelters, picnic tables, paved walkways, and railings. Just take care to keep children close as soon as they exit the vehicle - trouble can be found only steps from the parking lot.

Route Type | Double Out and Back
Total Distance | 0.27 miles
Elevation Gain | 61 feet
Overall Difficulty | Easy with Some Stairs

GPS Waypoints
Parking Lot Entrance | 37.905851, -83.487346
Broke Leg Falls | 37.906681, -83.489614

Parking. Limited parking is available in the county parking lot just off US-460.

Trail Navigation. The trail is easily navigated. West are the cascades and east is Broke Leg Falls. Use the gravel and paved paths. A short scramble below the steps is available to reach the base of the falls (a horribly bad idea on our visit with everything ice covered in shaded areas).

HIKER NOTE - Tornado Damage. A tornado touched down a number of years ago and the damage remains visible with plenty of deadfall around the falls and downstream along the cliffs of the creek gorge.

HIKER NOTE - Picnic Spot. This is an outstanding picnic area with the sound of the falls surrounding you. Visit lunchtime in late Spring or early Fall when school is in session to have the best chance for solace.

CAUTION - Children. Keep children particularly close when visiting. Cliffs are accessible and unwary kids can easily find trouble.

CAUTION - Ice and Snow. This can be extremely dangerous in ice or snow. Take care if you visit when these conditions exist. On this particular day, we waited for much of the ice to melt with only a few slick spots remaining in the afternoon.

Cascade #2, Broke Leg Falls, Menifee County

Cascade #3, Broke Leg Falls, Menifee County

Broke Leg Falls from the Railing, Menifee County

Broke Leg Falls from Top of Scramble, Menifee County


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