Spring at Swift Camp Creek North Overlook
Map of Swift Camp Creek North Overlook, Red River Gorge
Elevation Profile of Swift Camp Creek North Overlook, Red River Gorge
Overview. This overlook sits high above Swift Camp Creek with a direct view out to Castle Arch across the way. From the developed overlook on the road, it’s a fine view. Walk a few dozen paces downhill and enjoy a much improved, wider view.
Route Type | Out and Back
Total Distance | 0.06 miles
Overall Difficulty | Easy
*this trail is unmarked/unmaintained, but easily navigated
GPS Waypoints
Trailhead | 37.814594, -83.584475
Swift Camp Creek North Overlook | 37.814236, -83.584136
Red River Gorge Area Map
Parking. A limited number of parking spots are available at the trailhead. Additional parking can be found at Sky Bridge Picnic Area.
Trail navigation. The unmarked trailhead is located on lookers’ right (south) of the developed overlook. Take the user trail downhill steadily to reach a patch of exposed rock and enjoy the view. Return uphill to the trailhead.
HIKER NOTE - Sunrise. This is an excellent sunrise spot for most of the year. Near the Summer Solstice, the cresting sun can be obscured by the ridge east of Sky Bridge.
RULE REMINDER - No Camping. Sky Bridge Recreation Area is Day Use Only and camping is prohibited.
CAUTION - Deadly Drops. Long falls from high places are the #1 non-health related cause of death for hikers in Kentucky. Keep your distance from the edges of cliffs to avoid a deadly fall. Young children should be kept close.
CAUTION - Poisonous Snakes. Copperheads and timber rattlesnakes can be found in the area. Should you encounter one, stop and slowly back away. Always give venomous snakes a wide berth. Know Before You Go => University of Kentucky Venomous Snake Guide
CAUTION - Black Bears. Ursus Americanus - a.k.a. the American black bear is growing in population throughout much of Kentucky. Know Before You Go => US Forest Service Black Bear Safety Tips
Swift Camp Creek Roadside Overlook Sign, Red River Gorge
Swift Camp Creek North Overlook Unmarked Trailhead, Red River Gorge
Castle Arch from Swift Camp Creek North Overlook, Red River Gorge