Snow Day at Tater Knob
Map of Tater Knob Winter Out and Back, Cave Run Lake
Elevation Profile of Tater Knob Winter Out and Back, Cave Run Lake
Overview. Though the fire tower is closed, a pair of overlooks make this a great place to enjoy a big view of the many knobs on the south side of Cave Run Lake. This trail is highly developed with a ton of stairs marching their way up this gorgeous rock outcropping.
Route Type | Out and Back
Total Distance | 0.59 miles
Elevation Gain | 160 feet
Overall Difficulty | Strenuous with Loads of Stairs
GPS Waypoints
Winter Trailhead | 38.055364, -83.544147
3-Season Trailhead | 38.054017, -83.542931
Tater Knob Overlook #1 | 38.054664, -83.542731
Tater Knob Fire Tower | 38.055089, -83.542553
Tater Knob Overlook #2 | 38.055308, -83.542144
Cave Run Lake Area Map
Parking. Roadside parking is available outside the gate in two locations that can accommodate 8 to 10 vehicles.
Trail Navigation. From the gate, walk the road until reaching the circle turnaround. The 3-season trailhead is on the northern section of the circle. Walk the wooden steps uphill past the signs and continue uphill on plenty of metal stairs. There are benches along the route for some rest, so take advantage of them as needed. You’ll reach a spot with a bench and above it is a rock face that houses Tater Knob Window that might be an arch with an official measurement. Keep going up the stairs until topping out on solid rock where a gap can be found exiting the metal staircase to a path leading to the first overlook. Continue uphill to reach Tater Knob Fire Tower that is closed due to insufficient lightning safety equipment. Go past the tower to reach a second overlook with slimmer views to the north. Retrace your steps to return to your vehicle.
HIKER NOTE - Winter Trailhead. The road to the loop is closed over the winter, but it’s a short walk to the 3-season trailhead at the base of the steps. Just remember to never block forest road gates.
HIKER NOTE - Sunrise/Sunset. The best spot is definitely the first overlook for sunrise or sunset thanks to south facing views.
CAUTION - Poisonous Snakes. Copperheads and timber rattlesnakes can be found in the area. Should you encounter one, stop and slowly back away. Always give venomous snakes a wide berth. Know Before You Go => University of Kentucky Venomous Snake Guide
CAUTION - Black Bears. Ursus Americanus - a.k.a. the American black bear is growing in population throughout much of Kentucky. Know Before You Go => US Forest Service Black Bear Safety Tips
Tater Knob Gate, Cave Run Lake
Afternoon Sun through the Sticks, Cave Run Lake
Tater Knob 3-Season Trailhead, Cave Run Lake
Lower Angle Stairs, Cave Run Lake
Approach Right Side of Tater Knob Window, Cave Run Lake
Tater Knob Window from the Stairs, Cave Run Lake
Higher Angle Stairs, Cave Run Lake
Views from Tater Knob Overlook #1, Cave Run Lake
Tater Knob Fire Tower, Cave Run Lake
Tater Knob Fire Tower Info Notice, Cave Run Lake
Views from Tater Knob Overlook #2, Cave Run Lake