DuPont Lodge Overlook of the Cumberland River
DuPont Lodge Overlook
Overview. We had some time to kill and visited the DuPont Lodge at Cumberland Falls State Resort Park. It’s a beautiful lodge constructed of local sandstone blocks and features an outstanding view above the Cumberland River from the back deck. The view is directly east, making for an outstanding sunrise spot nearest the Spring and Fall equinoxes. Enjoy breakfast on the deck or enjoy the view from behind the glass at the restaurant one floor below.
GPS Waypoints
DuPont Lodge Overlook | 36.838542, -84.338203
HIKER NOTE - No Alcohol. There is no alcohol served at the lodge, so be sure to bring your own libations;-)
HIKER NOTE - Kentucky State Parks Buffets. I am a HUGE fan of the buffets at our state parks. The fried chicken is excellent, southern staples abundant, and that breakfast is just awesome. Check hours of operation before heading down - especially at slower times of year.
Back Deck of DuPont Lodge