Big Eddy Overlook of West Branch of Penobscot River
Map of Big Eddy Overlook Hike, Katahdin Forest Easement
Overview. This is a gorgeous overlook near ‘Big Eddy’ on the West Branch of the Penobscot River in the Katahdin Forest Easement. As a bonus, it also has a distant view of Mt. Katahdin rising above the forest and river. On this day, we didn’t go all the way out to the rocks above the eddy, but were satisfied with a short walk in untouched powder with a spectacular winter view.
Route Type | Lollipop
Total Distance | 0.23 miles
Elevation Gain | 33 feet
Physical Demand | Easy
Navigational Challenge | Beginner
GPS Waypoints
Trailhead | 45.877691, -69.139552
Overlook | 45.877056, -69.138308
Debosconeag Lakes Wilderness Area Map
Parking. Winter parking is along Telos Road - just be sure to leave space for vehicles to pass. Warmer months provide a small parking area.
Trail Navigation. The overlooks are accessible via unmarked user trails that meander about between the parking area and river. Pick a path and enjoy the overlooks.
HIKER NOTE - Debosconeag Lakes Wilderness Area. Debosoneag (debs-con-egg) is a 46,271 acre ecological reserve owned by The Nature Conservancyn and is located on the other side of the Golden Road. There are a number of canoe launches and campsites with portage trails linking the lakes on the property. Check the map and website for more information.
CAUTION - Slip, Fall, Die. We were out in snowy conditions that can be slick on some of the rocky overlook spots. A slip and fall into the river would most certainly end in death. Take care with your steps.
CAUTION - Be Bear Aware. Black bear are plentiful in the region. Know Before You Go => US Forest Service Black Bear Safety Tips
CAUTION - Moose. There were plenty of moose droppings lining the trail. Be aware and never approach moose. Leave a wide berth and turn back if needed.
Snow Covered Parking Area Near Big Eddy on Telos Road
Late Day Sun through the Trees
West Branch of Penobscot River
Looking Out to Mount Katahdin Over the Forest and River
Zoomed View of Mt. Katahdin